Our story so far: I acquired a bucket of a miraculous modeling compound called "Magic-Sculpt" and decided the obvious choice for a first project was my insect girl Annophila because her design is almost robotic, each limb a separate, semi-rigid part. I took pictures documenting my progress, and here they are, with full commentary.
Quite a jump between this image and the last one. Her legs, feet, and head are now completely done. And what a cute, adorably blank (but cheerful) insectile expression she has!
Now the tricky part: the arms. I've put the wires at the angles I want them, and applied a thin sheath of Magic Sculpt. When it hardens, this will be like a bone supporting more layers of putty as I build up the shape of the arms. She's hanging precariously over the edge of the table to keep the uncured material from touching anything while it hardens.
These are two separate stages of building the arms and hands. I tried to measure everything, but the arms all turned out to be slightly different lengths anyway. We won't talk about that.
Whew! The hands are done. This was the hardest part. Actually I got frustrated on the hands and had to settle with leaving them not quite as I would like. The discerning viewer may notice that they are all slightly different in size and shape. Oh well, better luck next time. I also had to drill a hole in that fine rounded behind, in order to anchor the wire for her stinger. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
That's it! Her stinger is finished, plastic wings are attached, and LO, the sculpting phase is done (except for some sanding & filling in of the really obvious dimples.) I'm quite impressed with the results. This is undoubtedly the best and coolest-looking sculpture I have ever created so far. Hurrah for Magic Sculp! I see more exciting 3-dimensional projects on my horizon. But for now, I must move on to Annophila's next step: PAINTING.
Contents copyright 1994-2009 by JW Kennedy.